paper answers
Q.1 a. Why gargles are
submitted in concentrated form?
Gargles are submitted in
concentrated form because,
The quantity of solution
require for doing one time gargle is around 20 ml.
Therefore if it is dispensed
in dilute form it requires the large quantity which is practically impossible
to dispense.
Therefore they are dispensed
in concentrated form
b. What is double wrapping?
Where it is useful?
When wrapping is done in white
glazed paper which is lined with waxed paper is called as double wrapping. The
lining is cut a few mm smaller than the white glazed paper and is quite
satisfactory to fold both papers together.
It is useful
for wrapping of volatile, hygroscopic and deliquescent substances
c. Discuss the drawbacks of
cocoa butter as a suppository base.
Following are drawbacks of
cocoa butter as a suppository base-
Exhibits marked polymorphism.
Stick to mould.
Leakage from body cavity.
Immiscibility with body
Chloral hydrate or lactic
acid liquefies it.
Melts in warm weather
d. Give the metric
equivalent of the following:
i) 1 pound – 450 gram
ii) 1 grain – 64.8 mg/60mg
iii) 1 dessert spoonful – 8.00 ml
iv) 15 minim – 0.06 x 15 = 0.9 ml
e. List reasons causing
therapeutic incompatibility.
Following are reasons causing
therapeutic incompatibility
Error in dosage.
Wrong dose or dosage form.
Synergism and Antagonism
Drug interactions
f. Define with example (any
i) Douches – Douches are medicated soln. for rinsing body cavity
mostly for bladder, vagina, rectum, nasal cavity.
E.g. Potassium permanganate douche solution, Isotonic
sodium chloride solution etc.
ii) Gargles – Gargles are clear aqueous solutions used to prevent
or treat throat infections. They are brought into intimate contact with the
mucous membrane of the throat and are allowed to remain in contact with it for
few seconds, before they are thrown out of the mouth.
E.g. Potassium chlorate and
Phenol gargles B.P.C,
Phenol gargles ,
Potassium chloride and phenol
iii) Inhalations – Inhalations are solutions or suspensions of volatile,
substances administered by the
nasal or oral respiratory route in the form of
vapour inhaled from the surface
of hot water.
Eg. Eucalyptus oil Inhalations
g. What is HLB? Give it’s
devised useful method for calculating balanced mixtures of emulsifying agents
to provide a particular type of which every emulsifying agent has
given number ranging from 1-18 .It is called as HLB or (Hydrophilic –
Lipophilic Balance System .
Significance –
It is very
difficult to select a proper emulsifying agents for the preparation of a stable
emulsion from large number of emulsifying agents. No single emulsifying agent
possess all the properties required for preparation of stable emulsion. So
sometimes it is necessary to use two or more than two emulsifying agents
instead of one to prepare stable emulsion
h. Give any four qualities
of a good suspension.
The qualities of Ideal
It should settle slowly
It should be readily
re-dispersed on gentle shaking of the container.
It should pour readily and
evenly from its container.
It should be chemically
The suspended particle should
not form a cake.
It should be free from large
particles which spoils its appearance & give gritty taste to oral
preparation and also cause irritation to sensitive tissues when applied
i.Define antiperspirants and
Antiperspirants: These are the agents used to prevent the flow of
perspiration to overcome bad smell which is due to bacterial decomposition
Eg. Aluminium salts
Deodorants: Deodorant inhibits the formation of bad odour in
perspiration by suppressing the growth of bacteria or masks the unpleasant
Salicyclic acid, boric acid, zinc stearate
j. Give the reasons,
“glycerine is choice of vehicle for throat paints.”
Glycerine is used as vehicle in
throat paint because-
Glycerine is viscous in
nature and adheres to the throat
Increases contact time and
prolong the action
It is also act as soothing
k. White Vaseline is not
used in ophthalmic ointment. Why?
White Vaseline is obtained from
yellow soft paraffin by bleaching. White Vaseline is not used in ophthalmic
ointment because it may contain small traces of bleaching agent which are left
over after bleaching the yellow soft paraffin. Hence white Vaseline may cause
irritation to eye
l. What are the advantages
of parenteral products?
Advantages of parental products
Rapid onset of action.
Immediate therapeutic action
is possible.
Each dose can be administered
When oral route is not
possible in unconscious and non-co-operative patient.
When drugs get inactivated in
GIT tract
Prolong action can be
possible by this route.
Absorption of the drug faster
compare to other route
2. a. Write the advantages
and disadvantages of powder as a dosage form.
Faster dispersal of
medicament compared to tablet, capsules
Convenient for dispersing
bulky drug.
Dry therefore stable, less
incompatible , rapid onset of action.
Convenient for children &
elderly patients.
• Drugs having bitter,
nauseous, unpleasant taste cannot be dispensed in powder form.
• Deliquescent &
Hygroscopic drug cannot be given in powder form.
• Drugs affected by atmospheric
condition cannot be given in powder form.
• Dispensing is time consuming
• Weighing difficulty ( qty.
Less than 100mg.)
2.b. Define incompatibility.
What is tolerated and adjusted incompatibility?
Incompatibility:- Incompatibility occurs as a result of mixing two or
more antagonistic substances & an undesirable product is formed which may
affect the safety, efficacy & appearance of the pharmaceutical preparation.
1. Tolerated incompatibility
In this type of
incompatibility, chemical reaction can be reduced by mixing the solutions in
dilute forms or by changing the order of mixing but no alteration is made.
Example (any one example)
Sodium bicarbonate ………… 1g
Borax ……………………….. 1 g
Phenol ………………………. 0.5g
Glycerine …………………….. 20 ml
Water …………….upto…….. 90 ml
Make a spray solution,
When sodium bicarbonate, borax
and glycerine are mixed together in the presence of water, a reaction takes
place with the evolution of carbon dioxide. If the mixture is dispensed as
such, there are chances of bursting the bottle. Therefore, mix these
ingredients in an open vessel until the evolution of carbon dioxide ceases add
phenol and transfer the mixture to a bottle.
2. Adjusted incompatibility
In this type of
incompatibility, change in the formulation is needed with a compound of equal
therapeutic value
e.g. in the mixture of caffeine
citrate and sodium salicylate, caffeine citrate is replaced with
Example (any one example)
Rx Caffeine citrate …………… 1g
Sodium salicylate …………. 3g
Water …………………. 90ml
Caffeine citrate is a mixture
of equal weights of caffeine and citric acid. the citric acid present in
caffeine citrate reacts with sodium salicylate to liberate salicylic acid which
get precipitated. If caffeine is used instead of caffeine citrate it forms a
soluble complex with sodium salicylates. Hence substitute caffeine citrate with
half as much caffeine as that of caffeine citrate to form a clear mixture.
2.c. Explain the term superscription,
inscription and subscription.
Superscription: It consist of symbol Rx which is instruction to
pharmacist. Rx stands for Latin word recipe meaning ‘ you take’ and Rx
represents sign of Jupiter meaning God of healing. This is for praying quick
recovery of patient.
Inscription: This is main part of prescription order , contains
name and quantities of the prescribed ingredients.
It contain direction
to the pharmacist for preparing prescription which is usually ‘Mix’,‘ Send
tablets’, or ‘capsules’ etc.
2.d.What are elixirs? How do
they differ from syrup?
Elixirs - Elixirs are clear, sweetened and flavoured hydro
alcoholic liquid preparation intended for oral use.
are clear, sweetened and flavoured hydro alcoholic liquid preparation
intended for oral use.
is sweet, viscous, concentrated or nearly saturated aqueous solution of
sucrose containing 66.7% w/w of sugar
Can be used as Antibiotic
Antihistaminic Sedative purpose
Can be simple syrup use for
sweetening and flavouring purpose and medicated syrup for therapeutic purpose
viscous than elixir and less viscous than linctus
less viscous than syrup
Tolu syrup, ginger syrup ect.
Ex chloral hydrate elixir ect
2.e. Describe layout of
sterile product area

Clean up area:-In such area cleaning and steaming of packing
materials and utensils is done therefore the walls and ceiling are constructed
in such a way, that they withstand the effects of steam and chemicals.
Generally, epoxy or vinyl paint is coated to solve the purpose. This area must
be kept clean by washing it regularly. Precaution must be taken to prevent the
growth of microorganism and collection of dust.
Compounding area:-It is nothing but a “preparation” area, where the
formula is compounded, and not necessarily aseptic. There should be strict
control it that these should not catch dust. The cabinets and counters should
be of stainless steel. Ceiling wall and floor should be sealed and can be
coated with Epoxy paint. Adequate sink and counter space should be provided.
Aseptic Area: - It is an entirely sealed area from outside atmosphere
to keep aseptic environment free from physical and biological contamination.
Therefore, at the time of designing and constructing the aseptic area civil
work can compose to HVAC (High ventilating and air conditioning) system
including the electrical wire and switches. The walls facing outside should
have double walled glass partition. Epoxy paints should be used to prevent
wall, ceiling ,and floor from the accumulation of dust and microorganisms
The air in the aseptic area
should be free from fibers ,,dust and microorganism. This can be achieved by
the use of high efficiency particulate air filers (HEPA) which can remove
particles upto 0.3 um. HEPA filters are fitted in laminar air flow system in
which air free from dust and microorganism flows with uniform velocity. The air
is supplied under positive pressure which prevents particulate contamination
from sweeping from adjoining areas .Ultraviolet lamps are fitted to maintain sterility.
. The personnel enter in this
area through air lock door. Movement should be minimum and restricted during
filling procedure
. Quarantine area:- Approved
batches from QC department can be kept here before labelling and packing.It
must contain space that separates ‘Approved batches’ and ‘In process
batches’.This area is only restricted to a responsible person.
Labelling and packing
area:-Adequate space is required
for installation of printing devices and packaging machines In this area,
label printing and labelling can be take place.
Storage and its disposal:-
The finished product are stored
under specified storage condition and dispensed off.
2f.Translate the following
terms in English:
i) Capiendus – To be taken
ii) Guttae – A drop,
iii) Hora somni – Every hour
iv) Trochiscus – A
v) Unguentum – An ointment
vi) Dolere urgente – When the pain is severe